Sunday, May 12, 2024

Speaking of little gems...


Spotted suddenly in my garden just now, 
the delicate and pretty wild violet. 
Stopped me in my tracks and I just stared. 
Anyone who has seen the delightful movie Greenfingers with Clive Owen and Helen Mirren, will know the specific reference here. 
Do see it.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Awaiting Spring

I recently came across this little gem at home - you know, the way things seem to randomly "surface" in the routine activities of cleaning, sorting, tidying. Like an archaeological dig. It is a little booklet, around 2 x 3 inches, obviously meant for a toddler. Small book for small hands.  My mother gave it to me when we were still in England in 1965, two years before we crossed the ocean to Canada. I was 6 years old. I wish I had taken better care of it, and certainly a scan was in order for preservation's sake. 

This wee little jewel no doubt "germinated" my love of plants and flowers....over the years. 

 Happy Spring!🍀

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Ginja wonders why he's getting sleepy!😉

Tristan supervising the lighting of the candles.

Elvie illuminated by candlelight.

My last desk top at work? Perhaps...

Lili and company!
Lily and company!
She just loves the new basket,
prime real estate these days.
Must get another.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Zena - RIP November 22, 2023

Our dear Zena rallied for almost a whole year after her stroke last November.
Alas, she never showed an interest to go outside again, and yet her quality of life was not so bad.
But, in recent weeks, she was showing the signs we all know, when this decision is coming near.
RIP sweet Zena.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

May to December

 Dear Friends,

A long absence, since April. I am sad for the old days, gone, and fear the new looming days, worry about what's coming round the bend ahead. Sad for the state of the world. But cats and flowers are always a good respite - for sanity - for hope. So - what follows is an overview from now back to May - it was not all bad:

Ginja blends in - or so he thinks!

Frost works some magic on Hydrangea leaves.
Tristan the White loves the garden in the summer!

Pray for our wee fragile Zena, recently had a stroke,
but is recovering well - even managing to go upstairs!

Only one ONE hibiscus - boo-hoo. But it was huge!

Ringo Rose, new this year - changes colours!

Dahlia Smoked Amethyst

New: Italian Iced Rose - seems to glow from within!

Kobi - king of the jungle!

Always the first daylily to bloom -
very early in late May into early June: