Friday, February 21, 2014

Little Voice

 Little Voice: aka L.V. - Mega squeee alert!!!

Zena looks down on LV,
and wonders when she gave birth to her!
She doesn't remember when that happened!
(Just kidding, of course :)

Now how darned cute is that???

Intently hunting her prey


Strike a pose!

Little babe in Amaryllis-land
PS - Little Voice is a splendid movie with Michael Caine, Ewan McGregor and in the title role, Jane Horrocks. Check it out - it's a gem!  We named our new girl after LV, because she does not meow, not since we first found her in the snow and ice, she just emits the tiniest little squeaks - so cute!


  1. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Awwwwww. What more can you say? So cute.
    I see you have lots of amaryllis. I tried getting a second
    year out of 4 bulbs this year, but no luck. They put out leaves,
    but no flower stalk.
