The one-month date has come and gone, and Chesney is still gone/vanished. People around me try to console and say that he probably got picked up by someone who fell in love with him etc etc. I try not to dwell on the darker possibilities, but they are there, and always will be unless I find out for sure, and it doesn't look like I will. I wonder why fate would have sent me this gift, to console me for the sudden untimely loss of Timmy last fall, only to take Chesney the same way - suddenly? Cruel. A shadow has been cast over this spring and summer season.
But life goes on (*sigh* - I sometimes hate that silly, trite expression), and I have others than need my care and love. I also have an enormous garden, and lots to plant as I write, and some days it seems like a looming chore rather than a pleasure. But I love the cats and the plants too much to let any be ignored, so on I go.

This piece of salvage was intended for my various gardening pots and accessories, but as you can see, the fluffy ones, Manitou and Mr. Poole, think it really serves a much better purpose. In the third picture, Manitou seems to be thinking: "hmm, this place needs a paint job!" (Is anyone listening? IT DOES!!) Mr. Poole looks like he's thinking: "Hey, no one told me these were bunk-beds!"

Tristan reposes and recovers near the warmth of the brick border. He was recently diagnosed with an abscess on his back. Not the worst we have ever seen, but still nasty business: squeezing, draining etc...but he took it all very well indeed. Next to him is my latest purchase for the garden: a lovely garden wagon: it is very handy and attractive too!

Regular visitor, sometimes called "Mooch", Rascal relaxes on the cedar bench.

And last but not least, New solarium furniture! Here we see Angel and Longfellow obviously approving of the long-awaited purchase. The day the set arrived, Angel was the first to hop onto the the couch and sprawl at full length, so elegant her black against the vivid red. The old white wicker set had been with us since the house purchase in 1994, and was quite worn. It was not shabby chic anymore, just shabby!
Thank you to everyone who sent me their good thoughts for Chesney - I really, really appreciate it. Maybe we can keep it up for a little longer?