(Snifter Snoozer)
It seems as though every time I have attempted to update my blog or write to friends or family (Joasia - if you reading this - sorry for my lateness!) - there is an interruption. Usually a good one to be sure, but an interruption nevertheless.
To recap a little: I decked the halls, made myself and others jolly, and I even donned some gay apparel (ha-ha). I sang joyous - by myself and with others, and I was most definitely heedless of the wind and weather - I stayed indoors! I am embarrassed to say (am I really?) the only fresh air I got was whilst letting the cats in and out and in and out - well - you get the idea. And yet, a whole week has flown by anyway - the time seem to fly, even when not doing much of anything.

Some helped me decorate...

Some kept active (unlike me)...

And still others refused to share any glad tidings whatsoever, and agreed to disagree, briefly, whilst facing opposite directions...

And there were Christmas visitors - three cats comprising of Picolo Angelo, who slept all Christmas Eve night in Angel's favourite spot by the tree - it felt as if Angel was actually with us - quite amazing he chose her very spot to sleep in...

And the two neighborhood scamps, Rascal (aka, Is-he-or-isn't he homeless - sorry no pic this time - he moves too fast!), and Sylvester (long-haired, black and white) slept overnight in the basement on some warm and comfy old comforters at Christmas, as it was bitterly cold and it was obvious they were locked out for the night. I must say I slept soundly and peacefully knowing that at least these three were warm and safe on what had been so far the coldest night of the holidays.

And of course a new box is always the best pressie...
Today, New Year's Eve, the temperature has risen, and it almost feels like spring. So much so, that several of the residents actually slept on the porch this afternoon.
I was very late decking my halls this year (the tree was decorated on Christmas Eve - this has never happened before - lack of time and Christmas spirit was to blame), so I won't be taking it all down any time soon.

We all love the way it looks - cozy and warm and dreamy. I am sure I am always amongst the very last to "de-Christmas" the house. I really don't look forward to that task as it always feels sad and depressing, so I try to enjoy it as long as possible.
And so, by the end of this evening it is possible I will resemble this little fellow at the top of the page, once again from a vintage 1960's card, entitled "Snifter Snoozer". However, it takes a lot less these days to reach the bottom of the glass! Happy New Year everyone - health above all, and happiness in equal amounts! Cheers! And Na zdrowie!