A view of the back porch - blooms everywhere!

A gift from a friend: an old aquarium which will become my winter project: a terrarium!

Mr. Poole suspects a groundhog is living under the garden shed.
He was right!

A couple of lilies that survived the annual onslaught of the dreaded red lily beetle.

Dahlia: Hawaii

I love love love Daylies: another addiction!

I must have Elephant Ears every year - I love their tropical look.

Another annual must have: Oxalis Iron Cross.
What started with 5 little bulbs many years ago, now multiplies happily every year, overwintering and resting in the basement of course.

Collarette dahlia: Fantastico.
Fantastic indeed!

Daylily grown from seed several years ago.

Lots of these this year - and as much I hate the damage they do, I equally hate stepping on them - I feel sorry.

The fabulous and fiery Frans Hals - which has grown into a fertile and floriferous clump.

Seedlings trio, I have named Burgundy Peach.

I even had a few Amaryllis bloom this summer.
This is Dancing Queen beginning to unfurl.

The Rev is still snacking al fresco, whilst neighbor cat
Noomi hopes for leftovers.

Million Bells (Callibrachoa) with Flowering Maple in the background. It was a bare twig to be thrown out in the spring which magically sprang to life in the summer sun and heat.

Mouthwatering Daylily Strawberry Candy.

Longfellow lounges.

Cedar Cup - same family as Malva (Hollyhock and Flowering Maple)
Isn't that center penta-star lovely?

Every year I grow Four O'Clocks from seed and then save the tubers much like dahlias.

This variety is the vibrant Limelight. Regular FOC's have darker foliage and with this type, makes for a lovely combination.
More to come!