Friday, April 26, 2013

Easy like a Sunday...oops....

Ah, feels sooo good!
Wednesday brought a very welcome heatwave and the sunporch was opened up for one and all to have a lounge-about.
Rascal, aka "not-our-cat" was more than pleased the season had been kicked off at last.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Waiting and Dreaming: Suncatcher

As we wait today for a nasty winter storm with lots of snow,
We recall just last weekend as the sun shone down,
Dreaming of endless sunny days
and flowers,
endless flowers.

The most gorgeous (and huge) Hyacinths EVER,
from Cat Wrangler.

This photo came out blurry and was going to delete it.
Applied watercolor effect
and what a lovely surprise.
Aren't I talented? ;)