Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Tristan rarely sits still, as he is too busy knocking things off any surface onto the floor. So this picture perhaps catches him contemplating his next act of vandalism? But he is a sweetie, and when he comes from the cold his nose is oh-so-pink!!

Yesterday we got walloped with lots of snow and blowing snow, and yet inside I have my flowering geraniums, and this white lily, which decided to set a bloom in late, late fall, and so brought it in, pot and all, before the frost arrived. For several weeks now we have enjoyed this pure white loveliness. There were 2 blooms in succession.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    My Merlin is exactly the same. She sits and gently pushes things away from her, with her paw, until they fall on the floor! Then she sits there looking at me as if she's done nothing! Hmmm....

    The worse was when she knocked a candlestick off the window sill - the donimo effect that ensued was scary! One thing fell onto another and another and another...until I had 5 things broken ont he floor - and a cat looking at me with attitude!!

    Al x
