Unless everyone else is snoozing as well, check out The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
As the Winter Solstice approaches, and the temperatures dip down to very frigid levels (-17 Celsius here today), it is good to be warm and cozy inside, humans and cats alike. Even better, to be surrounded by blooms and greenery, a reminder of what the solstice heralds: the days will grow longer, and the promise of spring, though lying dormant beneath the snow, grows closer every day.
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
'We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,'
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
Oliver Herford
See what’s going on at The Friday Ark and also at Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Climb aboard The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Check out other antics at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
As always, there are more happy "tails" over at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
As always, there's more to see at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
See how others are coping with the change of the seasons at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Check out some more spooky felines at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
More cuties can be seen atThe Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
More felines in repose can be seen at The Friday Ark and then at the Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Spot the decoy duck! Hey, what's the prize? Duck a l'Orange heh heh....
An all you can eat buffet -ahem -where's that damn buffet? Harumph! must not leave any tips this evening....
Guess That Song? Yes! Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay! Yeah yeah, it's a lake, whatever. By the way, where's the Sea Breeze I ordered - just can't get good service around here...
Anyway, these very lucky cats will surely enjoy more treats at the WPFSR. Now take a look at other spoiled felines The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Next to come was the old gray cat, Uh-huh,
Next to come was the old gray cat, Uh-huh,
Next to come was the old gray cat.
Swallowed the mouse and ate up the rat, Uh-huh.
Anyway, as you can see, Froggie came a courtin' in my yard recently, and a handsome one he was. Actually, he was enjoying the feast of some sort of fly that was coming out of the ground by the hundreds it seemed - even seagulls appeared overhead coming to join in the flying buffet. Manitou, neither old, nor grey, was most puzzled by this critter, and had a lie-down right in front of him, as if to examine him real close before he...ahem...well, I didn't really want to see what came next, so I quickly scooped up Da Man, and brought him inside the house, so Froggie could enjoy his feast in peace.
"Come in the house my Manitou,
Froggie is not on your menu, nuh-uh, nuh-uh, nuh-uh!"
I am sure there are more courtin' critters over at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
And this is where we were a week ago today, on the lake, peaceful and beautiful, a place we call "Whispering Pines". Although it wasn't that hot, a good swim was had, many dragonflies were spotted, and a good time was had by all, as the saying goes. Thank you Christina and Raymond!
Check out more lazy crazy cats at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.
Check out more sweeties at The Friday Ark and then Carnival of the Cats on Sunday.